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Leafy and Green Services 

Lawn Care Services

Make your neighbors green with envy, have the best looking lawn in the street. Our lawn care services are tailored to the specific needs of your lawn. Our range of services are great for those requiring a quick solution prior to the sale of their property, to impress party guests or for those seeking year-round lawn care. Our services include: 

Weed Contol


No one likes weeds. Weeds are a common problem in lawns. The most effective means of weed control is prevention, early detection, and eradication. 

Turf Laying 


We can supply, deliver and lay new turf. We can also arrange removal of your old turf and prepare the soil for optimum turf growth 

Pest and Grub Control

With the knowledge of our lawn care specialist, we reduce and eliminate the most common of pests, awn grub, black beetle, mites and mole crickets to ensure a healthy lawn

Top Dressing

Repair holes, uneven surfaces and stimulate your growth. its best to top dress your lawn late September to early December each year

Wetting Agents


Help your Lawn to soak up any rain or water, enabling moisture to reach the soil level of your lawn. The wetting agent helps to reduce the surface tension of water, whilst enhancing a more even spread of water through the lawn to the soil. 

Root and Soil Conditioning


A soil conditioner can be added to the soil to improve the soils qualities. Soil conditioners can be used to improve poor soil or to rebuild soils which have been damaged by improper soil management. 

Disease Control


Lawns remain disease free if maintained properly. Diseases in lawns generally appear in the warmer months. Common lawn diseases include brown patch, dollar spot and Pythium

Organic Liquid Fertiliser

Correct nutrient deficiencies quickly and give your lawn a boost. Also reduces foliar stress to the cut leaf. 

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